Language switcher



Якщо ти хочеш стати частиною чогось більшого — запрошуємо до нашої команди!
Проєкт — ігровий проєкт з використанням алгоритмів теорії ігор і машинне навчання.


  • Загальні знання Machine Learning;
  • НЛП;
  • Знання нейронних мереж;
  • Досвід роботи в проектах зі створення карткових ігор;
  • Теорія ігор та алгоритмів;
  • Рівень англійської мови Intermediate.


  • Вільний 5-ти денний графік;
  • Всі офіційні свята — вихідні;
  • Оплачуваний випробувальний термін;
  • Оплачувана відпустка та лікарняні;
  • Допомога або повне ведення ФОП безкоштовно;
  • Внутрішні ком’юніті та менторство;
  • Нон-стоп розвиток в технологіях;
  • Можливість світчу в інші департаменти, або навчання у внутрішніх інтернатурах по багатьом напрямкам;
  • Часткова або повна компенсація на навчання (курси, конференції, англійська);
  • Часткові компенсації на облаштування робочого місця вдома та техніку;
  • Часткова компенсація спортзалів, басейнів та інших фізичних активностей;
  • Річні та реферальні бонуси;
  • Можливість самостійно вирішувати коли відбуватиметься сейлері рев’ю;
  • Регулярні тимбілдинги та івенти;
  • Клуби по інтересах: футбол, гра в пейнтбол, волейбол, риболовля, велоклуб, бордгеймз;
  • People Partners та професійні психотерапевти та звернутися за допомогою чи консультацією;
  • Матеріальна допомога при народженні дітей;
  • Можливість бути волонтером в багатьох соціально важливих справах;
  • Турбота, повага та все, що потрібно для комфортної роботи в нашій компанії!

If you want to be a part of something bigger, welcome to our team! Interesting and diverse projects are waiting for you!


– At least two years of work experience

– Experience with Shopify

– Experience with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Liquid

– At least an intermediate level of English proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, and other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!

Our Kropyvnytskyi-based team is looking for a graphic designer. If the visual language is your mother tongue and you start visualizing a creative idea sooner than you’ve heard it – this job is for you!


– Ability to work in Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, etc.

– At least two years of work experience in design

– Continuous self-improvement and a keen interest in the design, games, and gaming industry trends

– Hand drawing skills are an advantage

– The understanding of web design and interface design is an even greater advantage

– Ability to accept constructive criticism and iterate as many times as needed for the best result

– Intermediate level of English proficiency

Your job:

– Assist in creating branding and websites

– Help improve the visual branding and communication

– Elicit the client’s requirements

– Communicate with clients or their teams

– Implement visual concepts based on creative ideas

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– At least two years of experience in developing web applications in Java

– Good knowledge of Java 8+

– Good understanding of the Spring Framework, Spring Security, Spring Session, Spring Data, and Spring Boot

– Experience in using both relational databases and NoSQL

– Good understanding of OOP and SOLID principles

– Knowledge of Javascript and Groovy ​​is an advantage

– High level of English proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– In-depth knowledge of application development in Unity (over two years of experience)

– Experience in developing applications for PC, Android, iOS, and AR in Unity

– Advanced knowledge of C#

– Experience with third-party libraries

– Experience in integrating infrastructure libraries into applications

– Basic experience with HLSL and Shader Graph

– Experience in profiling/debugging and optimization

– Understanding of the principles of OOP, DI, and design patterns

– Experience in client-server communication (REST, Web Socket, Photon, Mirror)

– Experience with Git

– At least an intermediate level of English proficiency

– Ability to work with technical documentation in English

– Motivation for self-improvement

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Over two years of work with React and Redux

– Thorough understanding of the basic principles of React, creating applications for different environments, and visualization optimization

– Excellent command of Redux, Redux hooks, and Thunk

– Excellent command of HTML, CSS, and SASS

– Experience with REST API and GraphQL

– Experience with i18n (RTL) libraries

– Experience with OAuth 2.0

– Experience with Next.js

– Good knowledge of Git

– Good spoken and written English skills

Desirable experience with:

– Unit testing

– Payment systems (Paypal, Stripe, etc.

– Google Maps API

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Over two years of professional experience in QA

– Knowledge and understanding of QA processes (STLC, test development, and test execution)

– Ability to write clear, concise, and comprehensive test documentation (test plans, test cases, and checklists) using TestRail or Confluence

– Thorough knowledge of testing types and methodologies

– Experience working in an Agile development environment (Scrum/Kanban);

– Experience in manual testing of web applications and server-side components

– User interface testing / UX testing;

– API testing experience (Swagger and Postman)

– Expertise in reviewing software requirements

– Experience with Fiddler or Charles

– Experience in testing mobile and web applications

– In-depth understanding of and experience in cross-browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and cross-platform testing (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux)

– Experience with developer tools

– Understanding of SQL and non-SQL queries

– At least an intermediate level of English proficiency

Desirable knowledge and experience:

– Knowledge and skills of OOP

– Command of any programming language

– Experience in test automation and CI process (CircleCI)

– Understanding of TDD and BDD

– Experience with cyber security tests

– Performance evaluation experience

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Proficiency in Kotlin

– Experience with Android SDK

– Understanding of MVVM architecture

– Familiarity with Android Architecture Component

– Experience with Google services

– Understanding of TDD and experience in covering a project with tests

– Experience with MVVM and SOLID principles

– Understanding of Custom View, Canvas, and Animation

– Understanding of Room, repository, and Retrofit

– English language proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, and other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!

Required knowledge and skills:

– Principles of application dockerization (React, VueJS, NodeJS, CakePHP, and Laravel)

– Design of infrastructures for launching applications using Docker Compose and HashiCorp Terraform

– Kubernetes orchestration (writing deployment manifests and cluster administration);

– Programming in Python at the level of creating scripts with third-party libraries for managing cloud and other services

– Setting up continuous change processing and code delivery using services like Jenkins, CircleCI, AWS Pipeline, and GitHub Action

– Cloud providers at the level of infrastructure design from scratch (AWS, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, Azure)

– Monitoring systems (Zabbix, Icinga, Nagios, and Newrelic)

– Automation of deployment of various services

– English language proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Good command of Django

– Good command of the Django REST framework

– Good command of Flask

– Docker / Kubernetes

– MySQL / PostgreSQL

– jQuery / HTML

– English language proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!