Language switcher



Ми шукаємо експерта, який має такі навички:

  • Досвід розробки на Java не менше 4-ти років.
  • Міцне розуміння принципів і кращих практик розробки програмного забезпечення, в тому числі і шаблонів проектування.
  • Глибокі знання Spring Core та Spring Boot.
  • Досвід роботи як з реляційними так і з NoSQL базами даних.
  • Досвід використання потокових даних (наприклад, Kafka).
  • Досвід роботи з Cloud (наприклад, AWS).
  • Уміти будувати архітектуру Microservices, на основі Kubernetes чи Spring Cloud.
  • Рівень англійської – Upper-Intermediate.

Плюсом буде:

  • Знання JavaScript.
  • Знання Groovy.
  • Досвід роботи з frontend (Angular або React).


  • Вільний графік роботи та можливість обирати місце роботи: офіс, ремоут чи флексі;
  • Всі офіційні свята — вихідні;
  • Оплачуваний випробувальний термін;
  • Оплачувана відпустка та лікарняні;
  • Матеріальна допомога при народженні дітей;
  • Комфортний, сучасний 8-ми поверховий офіс з терасою та зонами відпочинку в центрі міста;
  • Безкоштовнi курси англійської мови, в тому числі з native-спікером;
  • Внутрішні ком’юніті та менторство;
  • Нон-стоп розвиток в технологіях;
  • Купівля техніки 50 на 50 з компанією;
  • Повна компенсація участі в конференціях (як в Україні, так і за кордоном);
  • Часткова оплата навчальних профільних курсів;
  • Часткова компенсація спортзалів, басейнів та інших фізичних активностей;
  • Турбота, повага та все, що потрібно для комфортної роботи в нашій компанії!


We are looking for developer in leading food ordering and delivery service. As a part of our team, you will play a crucial role in developing and implementing new features, contributing to the enhancement of user experiences on both our mobile applications and website. The responsibilities include programming the backend infrastructure to ensure a seamless and efficient platform. Join us in shaping the future of our service and providing customers with an exceptional dining experience.

— Write clean code to develop functional web applications and server-side applications;
— Write unit and integration tests and collaborate with QA for resolution of issues;
— Collaborate with product owners and product managers to understand business requirements;
— Provide input for project estimation, planning, timelines, and status;
— Technical Design/Building of new features;
— Analysis and Refactoring of existing source code;
— Analyse requirements, suggest concepts, and assess development efforts;
— Establish yourself as an expert.

Required Experience:
— 4+ years of Web development using various technologies, frameworks, and tools;
— 2+ years of experience in technically ownership of software development projects;
— Expert knowledge of Transact SQL;
— Expert knowledge of best practices in back-end architecture, including performance, security and scalability;
— Good knowledge of C#, Web API, Entity Framework;
— Knowledge of AWS technologies, environment, and services;
— Working knowledge of Agile Scrum development methodologies;
— Experience working in a continuous integration and deployment environment.

— Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
— Work effectively independently and in a dynamic team environment;
— Proven time management, organizational and follow-up skills to meet deadlines;
— Quality-oriented with a passion for customer satisfaction;
— Excellent interpersonal skills;
— Must be willing to learn new technologies and processes as needed;
— Strong work ethic and professionalism;
— Good communication skills in English.


– In-depth knowledge of application development in Unity (over five years of experience)

– Experience in developing applications for PC, Android, iOS, VR, and AR in Unity

– Advanced knowledge of C#

– Experience with third-party libraries

– Experience in integrating infrastructure libraries into applications

– Experience in developing non-standard editors;

– Experience with HLSL and Shader Graph

– Experience with CPU, GPU, memory and build size profiling/debugging and optimization

– Understanding of the principles of OOP, DI, and design patterns

– Experience in client-server communication (REST, Web Socket, Photon, Mirror)

– Extensive experience with Git

– At least an intermediate level of English proficiency

– Ability to work with and create technical documentation in English

– Motivation for self-improvement

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Over four years of experience with React

– Over two years of experience with Next.js

– Experience in creating flexible and high-performance programs for React from A to Z, including the choice of libraries to implement the client’s business logic

– Knowledge of the techniques to create an application, optimize the performance of an existing complex solution, and deploy it to a cloud provider

– Basic knowledge of Docker and Docker Compose

– Understanding of REST API, GraphQL, and Websocket

– Experience in writing code according to a client’s business needs and meetings with clients to clarify technical details

– Experience with payment systems, cards, and social login implementation

– Unit testing experience

– Experience with CI/CD tools and bug-tracking software systems and their configuration

– High level of English proficiency

Desirable experience with:

– Node.js framework or PHP

– Database queries in MySQL or MongoDB and work with some ORMs

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Over four years of professional experience in quality assurance

– In-depth knowledge of QA and Agile methodologies

– Analytical approach that combines attention to detail with the vision of the big picture

– Extensive experience in user interface testing/UX testing

– Extensive experience in writing test documentation (TestRail, Confluence)

– In-depth knowledge of the error life cycle

– Extensive experience in client/server architecture testing

– Experience with Git

– Understanding of web services, XML, SOAP, and REST API

– Ability to manage products from testing to release

– Experience with Fiddler/Charles/Owasp Zap

– Extensive experience with mobile and cross-browser/cross-platform testing

– Extensive experience with emulator and simulator tools (X-code, Visual Studio, BrowserStack/Xcode, XCTest/XCUITest Framework, Android Studio, Espresso/UiAutomator)

– Experience with developer tools (understanding of HTML/CSS/JS or JQuery)

– In-depth knowledge of complex SQL and non-SQL queries

– Fluent spoken and written English

Desirable knowledge and experience:

– Knowledge and skills of OOP

– Command of any programming language

– Experience in test automation and CI process (CircleCI)

– Understanding of TDD and BDD

– Experience with cyber security tests

– Performance testing experience

– Work with Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery toolkit using Jenkins

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Proficiency in Kotlin

– Experience with Android SDK

– Understanding of MVVM architecture

– Familiarity with Android Architecture Component

– Experience with Google services

– Understanding of TDD and experience in covering a project with tests

– Experience with MVVM and SOLID principles

– Understanding of Custom View, Canvas, and Animation

– Understanding of Room, repository, and Retrofit

– Android NDK and cross-platform porting

– Рerformance optimization and profiling

– High level of English proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!

Required knowledge and skills:

– Administration of Windows and Linux servers (Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, RHEL, Amazon Linux, and Oracle Linux) and their services

– Familiarity with services: LDAP (Microsoft AD), VPN ( ), and Radius

– Understanding of SSO principles

– Description of infrastructures using HashiCorp Terraform, AWS CloudFormation (creation of an isolated space for application operation (VPC, NAT, Subnets, Zones, Autoscaling group, Application Load Balancer, and Network Load Balancer))

– Automation of deployment of various systems and their configuration using APIs or other available methods described in the official documentation

– Environment settings automatization using Ansible, Puppet, and Chef

– Web applications load testing

– Knowledge of AWS services (EC2, RDS, S3, ECS, ECR, ElasticBeanstalk, Pipeline, and Codebuild)

– Writing groovy scripts to manage the application build process and its delivery for the Jenkins service

– Gitlab, its support, and auxiliary services development

– Development and maintenance of existing work standards

– Collection and processing of logs (AWS Cloudwatch, Rsyslog, Loggly, and ELK)

– Centralized secrets storage using cloud-based and standalone services, such as HashiCorp Vault

– High level of English proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Over four years of work experience as a PM

– Fluent spoken and written English

– Experience in managing projects for foreign clients

– Understanding of the software development life cycle

– Knowledge of Agile, Scrum, and Kanban methods

– Excellent communication and organization skills

PM’s tasks:

– Bring the client’s idea to implementation within the specified period

– Develop a project’s development plan, organize the team’s work, and set up the work process

– Ensure the connection between the team and the client

– Remove obstacles for teams

– Control product quality and development deadlines

PM’s duties:

– Compile the project plan and documentation

– Reconcile timing and perform risk analysis

– Determine necessary resources and working environment and allocate them among the team members

– Set up the work process for the team (development, testing, work with requirements, etc.)

– Prioritize tasks

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!

Our Kropyvnytskyi-based team is looking for a designer. If you understand graphic design principles, know how to apply styles and components to interfaces, and can design an admin panel and a beautiful landing page equally easily, we’ll be your best teammates and friends


– Over four years of employment as a web designer

– Experience in UX design of web and mobile interfaces and prototyping

– A portfolio

– At least intermediate-level proficiency in spoken and written English

– Creative approach to tasks and ability to work in a team and take the lead when needed

Your job:

– Perform UX research

– Visualize and draw landing pages, sites, and mobile interfaces

– Support a project at all stages of its development

– Create illustrations, infographics, and icons, if needed

– Communicate with software developers

– Occasionally communicate with clients

– Keep abreast of current design trends

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!


– Expert knowledge of Django

– Expert knowledge of the Django REST framework

– Expert knowledge of Flask

– Docker / Kubernetes

– MySQL / PostgreSQL / MongoDB

– Knowledge of ML is an advantage

– High level of English proficiency

We offer:

– Flexible work schedule (5 days a week)

– Ability to work in the office, remotely, or both

– All public holidays are days-off

– Paid probationary period

– Paid vacation and sick leave

– Financial assistance at the birth of a child

– Comfortable modern 8-floor office in the city center with a sun terrace and relaxation areas

– Free English classes, including with a native speaker

– Mentoring and shared interest groups

– Continuous education in technologies

– Ability to split equipment purchases 50/50 with the company

– Full reimbursement for participation in domestic and international conferences

– Partial payment of professional courses fees

– Partial reimbursement of the gym, swimming pool, or other fitness expenses

– Team building activities with the team and other colleagues, including outdoor activities, field trips, and various events

– Care, respect, and everything you need for comfortable work in our company!